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KILIC Digital Archive Editor-in-Chief: A. MCKENNA Committee on Man and Radiation: K. PETERSON AP-S/URSI Joint Meetings Committee: J. LAZZI Applied Computational EM Society (ACES): A. SCHNEIDER Antennas & Wireless Propagation Letters Editor-in-Chief: G. SIEVENPIPERĪntenna Measurements (AMTA): S. Member copies of Transactions/Journals are for personal use only. For information on joining, write to the IEEE at the address below. Print subscriptions to this TRANSACTIONS are available to Society members for an additional fee of $36.00. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Antennas and Propagation Society and will receive on-line access to this TRANSACTIONS through IEEE Xplore upon payment of the annual Society membership fee of $24.00. VaughanĬall for Papers: Special Issue on Antennas and Propagation at Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Waves. Pedersen Compensating for Non-Linear Amplifiers in MIMO Communications Systems. Bolin On Small Terminal Antenna Correlation and Impact on MIMO Channel Capacity.


Beach Multipath Simulator Measurements of Handset Dual Antenna Performance With Limited Number of Signal Paths.

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Wallace Eigen-Coherence and Link Performance of Closed-Loop 4G Wireless in Measured Outdoor MIMO Channels. Kalis MIMO Capacity Enhancement Using Parasitic Reconfigurable Aperture Antennas (RECAPs). Anderson MIMO Transmission Using a Single RF Source: Theory and Antenna Design. Pedersen Exposure Compliance Methodologies for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Enabled Networks and Terminals. Furuskog User Influence on MIMO Channel Capacity for Handsets in Data Mode Operation. Hiraguri Single and Multi-User Cooperative MIMO in a Measured Urban Macrocellular Environment. Evans System Performance Evaluation Effectiveness of Relay MIMO Transmission by Measured Outdoor Channel State Information. Carrie Empirical-Stochastic LMS-MIMO Channel Model Implementation and Validation. Vainikainen Land Mobile Satellite Dual Polarized MIMO Channel Along Roadside Trees: Modeling and Performance Evaluation.

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(Contents Continued from Front Cover) Multi-Link MIMO Channel Modeling Using Geometry-Based Approach. Thomä A General Coupling-Based Model Framework for Wideband MIMO Channels. Migliore Impact of Incomplete and Inaccurate Data Models on High Resolution Parameter Estimation in Multidimensional Channel Sounding. Mehmood Channel Sounding and Modeling A Low-Cost MIMO Channel Sounder Architecture Without Phase Synchronization. Vaughan On the Accuracy of Equivalent Circuit Models for Multi-Antenna Systems. Liang Multiple Element Antenna Efficiency and its Impact on Diversity and Capacity.

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Pedersen A Pattern Reconfigurable U-Slot Antenna and Its Applications in MIMO Systems. He Multiple Antenna Systems With Inherently Decoupled Radiators. Huang Characteristic Mode Based Tradeoff Analysis of Antenna-Chassis Interactions for Multiple Antenna Terminals. Ito A Compact Wideband MIMO Antenna With Two Novel Bent Slits. Andersen Reducing Mutual Coupling of MIMO Antennas With Parasitic Elements for Mobile Terminals. Chang Simple and Efficient Decoupling of Compact Arrays With Parasitic Scatterers. Feng Printed MIMO-Antenna System Using Neutralization-Line Technique for Wireless USB-Dongle Applications. Bernhard A Compact Eighteen-Port Antenna Cube for MIMO Systems. TakadaĪntenna Design, Modeling, and Analysis Design of a MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for LTE Femtocell Base Stations. SPECIAL ISSUE ON MULTIPLE-INPUT MULTIPLE-OUTPUT (MIMO) TECHNOLOGY

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